Sunday, 6 September 2009

Stat’s of Rural Families

RDIS completed their first proper profiles of their beneficiaries this week. Hundreds of forms containing information on the families and their economic situations were piled up on a table (fortunately for them there’s no problem with data-protection here, yet!). And then one of the members of staff approached me with a big frown, asking if I have any suggestions on how to summarise the data. This suited me quite well, as I was looking forward to a bit of a challenge again.

I explained to him that what they really need is a tool to not only summarise, but also analyse the data; something where they can just enter the data into and then the statistics is spat out without them worrying about how to use formulas. So that is exactly what I did. I created an excel template for their future use. Then I helped him to input the data and whala, the first time ever they actually have reliable stat’s to evaluate their work and plan future actions on. Something so simple can mean so much.

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